quinta-feira, 31 de março de 2016

Bebida de Sorgo Fermentado - Lesotho.

Receita (I) - Maheu / Fermented Nonalcoholic Sorghum Drink / Bebida de Sorgo Fermentado não-alcoolico 

> Farinha de pão
> Farinha de sorgo
> Água


1. Use farinha de sorgo para fazer mingau liso.
2. Esfrie o mingau. Adicione a água para diluir-lo.
3. Acrescente farinha de trigo e misture bem.
4. Deixe a mistura ficar 2 dias em clima quente.
5. Beber quando a mistura torna-se ácida.

Receita Extra 

Maize Meal – 1 cup
Hot Water – 2-3 cups
Wheat flour or Malt – 2 tablespoons
Sugar – To taste


1- Begin by making the porridge To do this mix the maize meal with a small amount of cold water in a saucepan to make a paste
Pour the hot water over it and bring to the boil stirring from time to time to ensure it does not go lumpy

2- Simmer for 10 to 15 minutes and remove from heat. Allow to cool
Once cooled add the malt or wheat flour. Stir well
It should be thick,but of a pourable consistency.If you find it is too thick,add a bit of water

3- Place in a container with a tight fitting lid and leave to ferment for a few days. (Fermentation is quicker in the warm weather).Traditionally it is left to ferment in an earthenware pot called “hari”, but a standard plastic container or pyrex with a lid will work just as well

4- To know the maheu is ready give it a little taste. It should taste sour. If not leave to stand for another day. Once fermented store in the refrigerator for up to a week.
To serve simply stir in some sugar to taste and enjoy.

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