sábado, 26 de março de 2016

Panquecas de Bananas - Honduras.

Receita (I) - Plantain Pancakes / Panquecas de Bananas 

> 3 bananas muito maduras
> 3 colheres de sopa de farinha
> 4 colheres de sopa de manteiga derretida
> 2 / 3 chávena de feijão cozido
> 2 / 3 xícara de manteiga larificada ou banha


1- Ferva as bananas em purê, adicione a farinha e a manteiga e misture bem. Frite o feijão em 1 colher de sopa de gordura por aproximadamente 5 minutos. Aqueça o restante em outra frigideira. 

2- Adicione a mistura da banana, 1 colher de sopa de cada vez, e espalhar com um garfo para que ele irá tomar a forma de uma panqueca pequena. Frite as panquecas por cerca de 5 minutos.

3- Coloque 1 colher de chá de feijão frito em cada panqueca e dobre. Frite as panquecas recheadas, cobertas, 3 minutos de cada lado, ou até o marrom

Receita Extra - 1

2- Ingredient Plantain Muffins & Pancakes Grain-fre

2 Plantains (yellow with a little black on them)
1 egg
Ghee for frying (if making pancakes)
Coconut oil or ghee for greasing muffin tins (if making muffins)


1- Peel and cut the plantains into chunks.
Place in the food processor with the egg and process until smooth.
If making pancakes: Heat one tablespoon of ghee in a frying pan until bubbling.

2- Place batter by spoonfuls in the pan and fry until golden on the bottom and bubbling slightly on the top. Flip and cook until the bottom is golden. Repeat with the rest of the batter.

3- If making mini-muffins: Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees. Grease mini-muffin tins. Fill tins with batter 3/4 of the way full. Bake for 10-12 minutes.

Receita Extra - 2
1 ripe plantain peeled and chopped
4.5 tbsp coconut flour
1 tsp baking powder
¼ tsp bicarbonate
2 eggs
2 tbsp water
¼ tsp cinnamon
½ tsp nutmeg


1- Put all the ingredients in a food processor and whiz until all mixed and no plantain lumps remain.
Heat some vegetable oil in a frying pan on low heat and add about 2 tbsp of batter per pancake.

2- Cook the pancakes for about 3 mins. Then carefully turn the pancake over and cook for another 2-3 mins or until done. These pancakes will not bubble like traditional pancakes so you have to keep check them to see if they are done before turning them over.

3- Keep them warm whist cooking the rest of the pancakes.
Serve the pancakes with some slightly sharp oranges and some blueberries and shredded coconut.
Makes 8-9 pancakes.

These pancakes will break if you flip them like traditional pancake batter so do it carefully. These pancakes are sweet from the plantain so don't be tempted to add in any sugar. Fry them first and test them. If you still want sweetness then drizzle on some maple syrup.

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