terça-feira, 16 de fevereiro de 2016

Pão de Queijo, o Melhor

Receita (I)

1 kg de queijo meia-cura ralado
4 ovos
50 g de sal
100 g de margarina
½litro de leite
800 g de polvilho doce
200 g de polvilho azedo


1- Misture os polvilho. Faça uma cova no centro das farinhas e coloque o queijo, os ovos, a margarina e o sal.

2- Vá colocando o leite devagar, enquanto amassa a mistura. Se a massa ficar mole adicione mais polvilho doce, se ficar dura, coloque mais leite. Leve ao forno ligeiramente aberto (mais ou menos um dedo) por 20 minutos. Pronto.

Receita (II)

3 xícaras de polvilho doce
1 1/2 xícara de leite
½ xícara de óleo
½ colher (sopa) de sal
½ colher (sopa) de manteiga
3 xícaras de queijo meia-cura, ralado
4 ovos


1- Misture o sal e o polvilho numa vasilha grande, reserve
Ferva o leite e o óleo até que os dois se misturem e fique um líquido homogêneo.

2- Misture o líquido fervido com o polvilho e o sal. Misture bem e deixe esfriar um pouco. Aos poucos, vá adicionando os ovos e a manteiga, mexendo bem para os ovos não cozinharem.

3- Adicione o queijo e sove bem até a massa ficar lisinha e brilhante,isso pode demorar alguns minutos.
Forme os pãezinhos e coloque-os numa assadeira, separando bem uns dos outros. Asse em forno médio por 25 minutos.

Receita (III)* - Google Trad

4 cups tapioca flour
1¼ cups milk
½ cup water
6 tablespoons oil
1½ cups grated parmesan cheese
1 cups shredded Mozzarella cheese
2 large eggs
2 teaspoons salt


1- Preheat oven to 400F degrees with a rack in the middle.
Combine the milk, water, oil and salt in a saucepan and bring to a boil over medium high heat.

2- Add the tapioca flour to the bowl of a stand mixer and, once the milk mixture boils, pour it over the flour. Turn the mixer on and mix it well. The texture will be fondant-like, really white and sticky.
With the mixer still on, add the eggs, one at a time. You will think they won't mix, since the tapioca flour mixture is so sticky, but hang in there cause they will.

3- Once the eggs are incorporated, add the cheese, a little at a time, until fully incorporated.
The dough is supposed to be soft and sticky. However, if you're worried it's too liquidy, add some more tapioca flour. Just don't over do it or your cheese bread will be tough and not too gooey.

4- To shape the balls, wet your hands with cold water and, using a spoon, scoop some of the dough to shape balls that are a little smaller than golf-sized.

5- Place the balls on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper and bring it to the preheat oven.
Bake for 15-20 minutes or until they are golden and puffed.
Serve them warm! :)

To freeze them, shape the balls, place them on the baking sheet and bring to the freezer. Once they are frozen, transfer to a ziplock bag and keep them in the freezer up to 3 months.
Once you're ready to use them, preheat the oven to 400 as usual and bake the frozen balls for 25 to 30 minutes or until golden and puffy!

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